Project context
The overall objective of the Action «Sea2Sea», is to investigate the feasibility and viability of the corridor «Sea2Sea», examining alternative development/operational scenarios and proposing concrete actions to implement them (Action «Sea2Sea»). In this way the successful completion of the Action will be the first but very important step towards the ultimate goal of the development-implementation in practice of the Corridor “Sea2Sea”.
If the results of the Action show that the Corridor “Sea2Sea” is important for the region and document its feasibility and viability, then the necessary actions and next steps for the implementation of the corridor in practice (economic-technical studies and railroadworks for the implementation of the corridor) can be taken (Global Project).
On the contrary, without the results of the specific Action, any attempt to implement a part of or the entire such corridor would be at risk of failure or of becoming non-efficient, since there would be important uncertainties concerning the existence of configuration conditions of the corridor, or even more concerning the extent in which the overall planning would cover real and crucial needs of the region, in order to provide final realistic and objective benefits.
Overall project of the corridor Sea2Sea
At present, the main route connecting the Aegean to the region of the Black Sea is through the straits of Bosporus. Through this route the freight flow from Far East moves towards central and west Europe and the other way around. Experience has shown, however, that the specific route has several disadvantages, such as high cost (concerning freight charges and transport time) and high risk (concerning safety and environmental impacts).
Beyond those disadvantages, the absence of an alternative route, not only for the reduction of traffic congestion at the straits of Bosporus but also for the assurance of a safer route in emergency cases, is an issue that needs to be examined. The railroad connection of the ports of North East Greece to the ports of the Black Sea and the Danube could provide such an alternative solution, i.e. the corridor “Sea2Sea”.
Finally, within the framework of the overall project, the development of the corridor “Sea2Sea” as an alternative multimodal freight corridor towards the straits of Bosporus, is based on the implementation of three basic objective goals.
The three objective goals of the overall project are:
evaluate the feasibility and viability of the corridor “Sea2Sea”, by examining alternative development/operational scenarios and by proposing concrete actions to implement them (this is the basic objective of the proposed Action described under paragraph 2),
in case of a positive above evaluation, start all necessary technical and operational studies for the implementation of the corridor (e.g. geotechnical studies, improvement of railway infrastructure/alignment studies, improvement studies of port infrastructure, studies concerning the administrative and procedural coordination of port and railway, etc. ),
proceed to all necessary implementations of the infrastructure (projects) for the improvement of the corridor’s functionality.
Object and goals of the action Sea2Sea
In order for the overall objective of the Action to be achieved, a number of specific objectives has been set, namely to:
Analyze the current state and identify the future development of the Aegean and Black Sea region, determine the main freight corridors serving or crossing this region and the “Sea2Sea corridor” in relation to these corridors.
Define a project mix and action plan for enhancing the “Sea2Sea corridor’s” competitiveness.
Define the major building blocks for the corridor’s implementation, i.e. its funding, governance and needed preparatory actions.
Achieve stakeholder engagement and public awareness, in relation to the corridor’s implementation.
Beneficiaries and organizational structure of the action Sea2Sea
Thus, the main stakeholder is the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA), who assures the technical and financial implementation and management of theTranseuropean Network of Transports (TEN-T) programme.
The two beneficiaries of the “Sea2Sea” Action are:
The Hellenic Republic represented by the Hellenic Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, and
The Republic of Bulgaria, represented by the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications.
Objective of the study for the action Sea2Sea
For this purpose and according to the decision concerning the approval of the funding in the context of the implementation of the Action “Sea2Sea”, the prospective implementing body is called upon to provide the following services sections for the achievement of the Action’s objectives:
ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT SITUATION AND LONG-TERM FORECASTSThe objective of the tasks and actions of the first services section is to investigate and document a realistic aspect of the current situation and the future development of the regional freight traffic system and of the corridor “Sea2Sea”.
PLANNING OF THE «SEA2SEA» CORRIDORThe objective of the tasks and actions of the second services section is to examine, analyze and determine the necessary improvements along the corridor “Sea2Sea” and to evaluate their impact on the future competitiveness and management of freight traffic.
DETERMINATION OF THE BASIC COMPONENTS FOR THE COMPLETE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE «SEA2SEA» CORRIDORThe objective of the tasks and actions of the third services section is to investigate and determine the basic components for the implementation of the corridor, i.e. the funding, overall government-management and the required preliminary actions.
PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGNThe objective of the tasks and actions of the forth services section is to determine and implement the strategy for the stakeholder engagement and to implement public awareness actions concerning the results of the Action, by informing at the same time the public about the role of EU in the implementation of the Action.
- Delivered D1
Analysis of current situation and long-term development perspectives of the regional freight traffic system.
- Delivered D2
Planning of the “Sea2Sea” corridor.
- Delivered D3
Investigation and determination of the basic components for the complete implementation of the «Sea2Sea» corridor.
- Delivered D4
Determination of the overall government-management “Sea2Sea”.
- Delivered D5
Report on the stakeholder engagement and public awareness.